Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day, if it's your thing.

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. It's nice to get flowers or a box of chocolates once in a while. But I don't need to eat the calories, and the flowers will eventually get knocked over or chewed on by the cat. So, it's just as well if I got nothing. OK, maybe a card would be nice. :-)

Not planning ahead at all, I just happened to photograph this recently completed necklace in the shape of a heart. It doesn't look like my more recent jewelry, because I started this a long time ago. I was demoing Kumihimo for a monthly craft group meeting (A.R.T.) and needed to refresh myself on my finishing techniques. The pendant is a shard of porcelain in a sterling bezel that I got super cheap at an auction. The end cones and clasp are also sterling. The cord is hand woven by moi.

A closer look at the pendant and cones - so pretty!
Remember the poppy necklace from a couple weeks ago? Well, I made this extra necklace from all the beads I had left over (from Emma at A Polymer Penchant). It can be worn on it's own, or with the poppy necklace. I added black crystals, small vintage plastic (or are they acrylic?) melon beads and Vintaj bead caps.

So many poppy beads! I love those flying saucers!

1 comment:

  1. The blue and white necklace is so pretty with your Kumihimo braid. And the additional necklace with Emma's beads looks fantastic layered with the other necklace. Love layered necklaces. I hope there's a Valentine's card in your immediate future!


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